Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Art, hair, surf and a mashed up knee

Arty news for me, I have become an Associate Member of OK Studios, I'll get added to the Studio website, so a good way to start getting my work shown, I need to start thinking of myself as a professional now! Picked up the application form for the Sefton Open and have got an application for the West Lancs Open on the way. Should encourage me to continue making work even though it's now the academic holidays, be nice to think about my work independently of a Uni brief too, might make me push myself a bit more.

Hair news, after spending forever wishing I was just brave enough to run the clippers over my head and be rid of hair, I've done it! I spent a while dithering in front of the bathroom mirror with Glyn holding the clippers and he just sort of chopped a chunk out of the front so I had to go through with the rest of it. We had the longest guard on and we've left a few wispy bits at the front so it's not 100% hardcore shaved. I think it would look a bit better if my face was a bit thinner (I could and should just eat less), but I think I can just about get away with it for summer while I'll be sporting a tanned face, pastel colours and skirts and sandals, it'll have to grow a bit for boots and jeans seasons or I'll look too butch!

Cool news, bumped into Dan and Lucy of Hotpod at the stove show in Harrogate on Monday, arranged to go down and visit them, so means I might get a wobble on a surf board for the first time 2 years. Sweet!

Knee news, my right knee playing up again. Not ITB this time, inner, upper, hoping it's just a bit of pulled muscle. If a few days rest doesn't help it along, then I guess I'll be off to the physio again. Knees, if there was ever argument against intelligent design!

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