Tuesday 11 October 2011

Moving on.

I didn't mean to abandon the blog! I've just been a bit grumpy round the edges. The leg went for a second opinion. Two physios in total agreement. Adductor muscles torn, leg impinged. Soft tissue damage just needs time. The marathon obviously didn't happen.

It's now just over 3 weeks since I hurt myself. I'm walking pain free. I think I could happily ride a bike now, even that hasn't been an option. Running will be another couple weeks off. And I intend to start back very gently. 

Things this injury and some extra physio sessions have taught me......... I don't run properly. I'm not using my core and glutes, potentially I could run further or faster!? Or at least run the same distance and speed but end up with less injury if my legs were mostly propelling me forward instead of flailing about all over the place. I've got exercises to do. And, I'll be signing up for a pose running course to try and learn a better running technique. I'm starting to realise why I keep picking up running injuries and how to prevent it happening. 

My head is ready to run, I've bought some new trainers, as soon as the leg says yes, we're on the way to being a better runner.

1 comment:

kate said...

hang in there buddy. sounds like you're taking the right attitude and trying to learn and get better. i'd be interested to hear more about this running properly lark :) hope you're back out in the hills and on your bike soon!