Tonight's run 7 miles, 1200 ft of climbing. Some serious weather, fog, wind and face-stinging sideways snow and sleet all made for extra fun. As if it wasn't hard enough my headtorch battery decided to run right down leaving me to blindly pick my way through the bogs, rivers, ice patches and snow drifts. Fortunately Adrian has a torch bright enough to land planes with and ran next to me once I couldn't find my own way. The best bit was standing with all our torches off near the mast on Winter Hill where the almost white out conditions blended with the red lights on the transmitter, the whole world went pink. It was amazing.
ace :)
It was indeed ace :o)
Sounds good (if slightly insane) fun. We decided not to ride last night so your making me feel quilty for not braving the weather. I so need to do some offroad running - next week hopefully. I've got a 15 mile road run planned this weekend and that puts me ahead of my training plan a bit so can have a fun long run instead the week after. Will have a look at your run to see if I can figure out where you ran, need to to do some running on Winter Hill.
I wondered if you were out as we saw two groups of riders, all a lot lower down the hill where the weather was actually quite pleasant! If you wanted you could always come out one Wednesday night with our club, Adrian has a spare headtorch he's happy to lend out. Meet at Horwich leisure centre at 7pm to run for 7.15. Usually do 6-7 miles, very sociable pace.
Wow!, I thought it was hard work riding up to the top of winter hill.
You've just motivated me to try even harder. One of these days i will be able to run up a hill too.
Does Flipper run with you?
Hmm, I think it's easier to run up Winter Hill then ride to be honest!
Flipper comes if I run in the daylight, but she hasn't yet been on a night run, I think she'd be a bit too spooked and end up being hard work.
Will try an join you one Wednesday though I'm determined to get out mountain biking more on Wednesday nights too, used to be out pretty much every week without fail. My MTBs are feeling a little neglected (one has been broken since September).
Red Bikes, it is often easier to run up a hill than ride up it, particularly offroad. My MTB climbing pace is surprisingly similar to my running climbing pace: snail like.
Brrr... I made the right decision then. I went out Thursday night instead when all the snow had gone, I know I'm a wimp.
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