Sometimes I'm a bit of a dime bar, I've had my Mac well over a year and I've only just now worked out to grab a bit of screen. So I can, I think, post little graphs up here of info of my Garmin, it won't be happening a lot, I'm a bit of a geek but not that much of one! If I've done it properly you can see the distance (miles) and elevation (feet) profile of last nights run?
Unfortunately I didn't make it out to run with the Bowland Bats tonight, stuff got in the way, life's like that sometimes. To be honest I'm pretty tired from running last night and with racing on Sunday my legs might be thankful for some extra rest. My membership stuff arrived today for the FRA, I'd like to sign up and do their navigation course, highly recommended by the fell section of my run club. But, dilemma over which to do. The March course is the weekend before my dissertation deadline, o.k, so I shouldn't be that last minute, seat of my pants that I'll need to be frantically finishing that weekend, but.......!? The next course is in September, I can't think of anything likely to be in the way of doing it, so this is the logical choice. But, it'd be nice to get some navigation skills sharpened before the summer. I enquired at an outdoor skills place in the Lakes about a private tuition day, it was a bit too pricey though. I'll have a think on what to do, maybe speak to Meriel, she has hinted at being up for a nav course so might do it too, and somebody else wanting to do a course with me would probably sway me, I'm easily influenced!
Julbags can I tempt either of you into a running nav course?
I did a two day walking style Nav Course a few years ago with Highpoint in the Lakes but have proceeded to use it very little so I'd be up for a refresher! Especially moving at a bit more speed. Think I can just about remember how to take a bearing.
Yay! Be good if a few us maybe did the FRA course.
Sorry what is wrong with geeky graphs on blogs?
Try Skitch - http://skitch.com/
That's an even better way to grab screens as you can draw and add text too!
Trio - nothing wrong with geeky graphs, just not sure they're for me.
Jennifer - Skitch looks like a pretty handy app, thanks.
what's the date in march? i could be interested in that one...
The March course is 20-22 March, based at Kettlewell Youth Hostel, Yorkshire Dales. Cost £60 for FRA members £85 non-members, I'll email the person in charge and see if there are still places.
gonna chat with jane, let you know tomorrow
aarrh...sorry if this double posts...
i'm up for the one in march. let me know if you're going and i'll send of my form this weekend
I haven't heard back from the FRA yet if they still have places, I don't have a form to send off either. Oh you're way more organised than me!
when i say form i mean a bit of paper with my name and a cheque stapled to it!
hope they have spaces, was going to do this last year but they were full
OK, I'll send off a cheque and a bit of paper too! Wait, just double checked they ask for a SAE too. I spoke to my friend Meriel earlier and she isn't free for the March course, but I'd like to do the Spring course then I don't spend all summer getting lost!
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