Dolly the visiting spaniel was collected by her human. Swiss chocolate and beer were gratefully received by us.
A big dinner and a few beers at The Three Fishes. Delicious.
Ride 4 of 30 days of biking. Hmmmmm. A quick nip out on the fixie? Perfect. I got to the end of our street to find a hobo dog dodging cars on the A6. I tried to round the pooch up as did another passer by, but hobo hound had other ideas and set off up the A6. Sometimes on the pavement, sometimes amongst the traffic. A few miles of pedalling behind it, several failed attempts to grab it, much arm waving at car drivers to avoid squishing. Hobo hound finally got herded into a local farmyard. I last saw the stable girl attempting to attach a lead. Not quite the ride I'd planned, but a bit of variety.

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